Welcome to Zenning, a warm sanctuary for those embracing conscious and compassionate living. Here, our dedicated team of Zen Guides eagerly awaits to accompany you on your unique wellness and healing path. We believe in the power of community—recognizing that while each of us has our own journey, we're not meant to travel it alone. Allow our nurturing community to offer you the guidance and support you've been yearning for. Together, let's embrace a journey of growth and connection. Welcome home to Zenning.

We are a trauma-informed, sensory-friendly Holistic Wellness Center. We offer 1:1 services and prioritize an intimate environment with small class sizes to foster deeper connections between students and instructors.

Wellness Center management software

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Health Club management software

Disclaimer: Services are complementary and designed to promote relaxation and wellness. Zenning by Alternative Healing Consultants and Solutions, LLC., and its practitioners are NOT Medical Doctors and are NOT attempting to portray or conduct the activities of a medical doctor. Our services are non-diagnostic and do not include the practice of medicine, nor should they be considered a substitute for licensed medical or psychological procedures. As always, consult with your medical doctor if you have any concerns or contraindications.