Halotherapy Salt Cave


What is Halotherapy?

Halotherapy, or dry salt therapy, involves inhaling micro-sized salt particles in a controlled environment, such as a therapeutic salt cave. During a session, you recline on a zero-gravity chair in a salt cave room with a halogenerator, which disperses pharmaceutical-grade salt particles into the air. These particles mimic natural salt caves and may provide various health benefits, especially for respiratory and skin conditions, due to the 80 different minerals present in the salt.

Halotherapy supports conventional medical treatments and participants report mood enhancement and stress reduction. Additionally, salt settling onto exposed skin offers extra healing benefits, as it possesses antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

How much is a session + how do I prepare?

For utmost safety and compliance, we advise consulting your primary care physician before commencing halotherapy, particularly if you have any contraindications or concerns. It's essential to note that halotherapy should not serve as a substitute for conventional medical treatment.

We kindly request that you arrive approximately 10 minutes before your scheduled time to allow for a comprehensive orientation. Feel free to use our lounge area to unwind before entering the salt cave. We have complementary herbal tea and water.

A single session is $35/person (+ tax) and lasts 55 minutes. Check out our package deals for discount pricing HERE! Children under 18 must be accommodated by an adult, and a parent or legal guardian must sign the electronic waiver before the session. Although the salt we utilize in the salt cave is antimicrobial and antibacterial, we still ask that you bring a fresh and clean pair of socks with you to wear during your session. We will provide surgical booties if you do not have clean socks.

To keep the halogenerator running optimally, the environment must be cool and completely absent of humidity. It can be chilly, so we provide a blanket and suggest wearing comfy, warm clothing. You are also welcome to bring your own small (or yoga) blanket. During your session, you have the option to sit up or recline on a zero-gravity chair. If you have mobility limitations that interfere with you getting in and out of the chair, you also have the option to sit on a yoga mat on the ground. The ground is covered in small pebbles and grains of Pink Himalayan Salt. Our entire space, including the salt cave, is wheelchair accessible.

Food and beverages are not permitted in the salt cave. Furthermore, it is advisable for individuals to remove all jewelry and electronic devices before entering the salt room, as salt exposure may cause corrosion to exposed metal surfaces. Salt is corrosive and can damage your belongings, so pack light. Most people will meditate, do puzzle books, or read. We play relaxing, meditative music to help you find relaxation. If you want to reserve the cave for a private party, fill out our contact form HERE.

Consuming caffeine and nicotine can disrupt relaxation in the salt cave by providing a surge of energy. It's also advisable to steer clear of drugs and alcohol for the optimal experience.

What issues can halotherapy help with?

Salt settling on the skin provides healing benefits by purging impurities, strengthening protective barriers, balancing pH levels, and calming irritated areas. Halotherapy has been reported to alleviate various skin issues, including:

  • Psoriasis

  • Eczema

  • Acne

  • Dermatitis

  • Dry skin

  • Rosacea

  • Skin aging

  • Skin inflammation

When pharmaceutical-grade sodium chloride (salt) enters your respiratory system, it diminishes inflammation, eliminates irritants, and clears the airways. This can be beneficial for the following conditions:

  • Bronchitis

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

  • Cystic fibrosis

  • Emphysema

  • Hay fever

  • Rhinitis

  • Sinusitis

  • Allergies

  • Snoring

  • Asthma

  • Overall lung health

Who should avoid the Salt Cave Room, and what are Halotherapy Contraindications?

Individuals experiencing hemoptysis, or those predisposed to it, are advised against utilizing the salt chamber. Additionally, individuals with pulmonary insufficiency, acute or severe multi-organ pathologies (except with explicit medical authorization), and infants under 12 months of age should refrain from salt therapy.

It is recommended that individuals with significant chronic respiratory ailments and those with open wounds abstain from entering the salt cave room.

As always, if you are unsure if Halotherapy is suitable for you, consult your medical provider.

What is the etiquette of a salt cave environment?

Please remember that you're sharing the space with other guests, so please refrain from using fragrances, as some people have sensory sensitivities or allergies.

What happens after the session?

You will be in the room for 55 minutes, 45 minutes of the halogenerator running, and the final 10 minutes will serve as a processing period. If you use booties, you will dispose of them in the trash by the door. If you use a blanket, you can place it in the laundry basket next to the fireplace. After a halotherapy session, you might experience some dehydration. Hydrating yourself with additional water for the rest of the day is essential. Afterward, relax and extend the tranquil, salty vibes.

How can I learn more or find relevant research regarding Halotherapy and Salt Caves?

The owner, O’Livia, is a proud member of the Salt Therapy Association. They fund research into halotherapy and have articles and more info on their website. Click here to explore and learn more.

Can I reserve the Salt Cave Room for a private experience?

Yes! Call to reserve your private experience. Our Salt Cave Room can accommodate up to 8 participants. The cost for a private experience is $180 plus tax. That’s what it would cost for 5 people— so, you’re getting 3 free! Bring your friends and save!